Monday, April 23, 2007

New Types of Auras

New Types of Auras

As opposed to Marina Grzinic’s article “Exposure Time, the Aura, and Telerobotics,” I think the elimination of lag time and the actual meeting of two virtual people in cyberspace complicates and adds to the definition of the aura. In this article, the aura is defined as “an appearance or semblance of distance” which is usually conveyed by “exposure time” or “transmission time.” Yet in the performance “The Reception,” the absence of lag time made the virtual image of the woman on the screen in Illinios seem more real, her presence actually felt close. The ability for this woman’s 3-D image to share the same space and the same real-time as the audience and the dancers allowed for a different aura to glow from her. I do agree that if her image were to lag, she would seem further away and we would have a greater perception of the distance the image has traversed in order to be present for us, therefore having the aura that Grzinic talks about. Yet, the fact that her image is not actually in the same space as the dancers and audience is enough also to emphasize the distance the image is traversing. The woman’s point cloud image shows her as a different type of being that has a more complicated presence and aura in its own space: cyberspace.

The dance movements themselves seemed to be pretty random and not very related to the theme of “presence.” I tried to make sense of the repetitive walking, jogging, running in a circle. The rotating circle the dancers formed seemed to be like the dialing of an old fashioned phone and I think I heard the dancers calling out numbers as they were running, yet they only ran in one direction so maybe this is an incorrect interpretation. Also, the woman on the TV set seemed the most real when she “saw” the guy on stage and directly addressed him “Hey!” It actually seemed like she was present as a being, not just as an image. Then when the dancers moved with the cart, the cart seemed to be her body. The woman embodied the TV and cart, she was a different kind of being.



Blogger Jeff said...

Yes your telephone theory is quite interest. I don't understand why they did run in a circle. I felt like the play was modeled similarly to timecode where they're usually one main thing going on than a bunch of little things happening at the same time and it's hard to decide what to pay attention to. So didn't quite get the point of all the other dancers doing random things but I guess it was for them to convey a sense of space. Especially physical space with instantaneous time to try to make the virtual dancer and the real dancers seem similar I guess.

4/23/2007 8:10 AM  
Blogger Mike Kim said...

The definition of Aura definitely depends on quite a wide array of factors, but ultimatley, in my opinion, the meaning of "Aura" should change throughout time according to the development of different technological advances.

Martina Griniz definitely introduces an interesting theory and your counter-argument, that the instant connection added to the "aura" of the situation, seems quite valid.

However, the fundamental question to be asked and to be demanded must be what we appreciate as "aura" in our time period, in the Internet World, and to define that should be one of our missions, I think.

4/29/2007 1:55 AM  

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